“일본군 성노예 희생자 배상운동: 지난 27년을 회고하며..”
This conference invites 18 “comfort women” scholars and movement leaders in Korea, Japan, and the United States to look back at the 27-year old movement and to publicize the “comfort women” issue and the Japanese government’s obligations to take responsible actions to the victims and Asian countries.
아시아·태평양전쟁 당시8만~20만에 이르는 아시아 여성이 일본군의 성노예로 끌려가 희생되었다. 이 중, 한국 여성의 수가 가장 많았다.
1990년대 한국에서 시작된 일본군 성노예 희생자를 위한 배상운동은 아시아 국가를 비롯해 미국 및 다른 서구 국가들로부터도 국제적인 지지를 받아왔다. 그러나 아직까지도 일본 정부는 희생자들에게 진심으로 사과하고 적절한 배상을 하지 않고 있다.
재외한인사회연구소는 한국, 일본, 미국에서 18명의 저명한 ‘위안부’ 연구학자와 운동가들을 초청해 지난 27년간의 일본군 성노예 희생자 배상운동을 돌아보는 계기를 마련했다.
[발표 내용]
– Alexis Dudden
Professor of History /University of Connecticut
– Phyllis Kim
Executive Director /Korean American Forum of California
Executive Director /Korean American Forum of California
“Walking with the Grandmas: Is there a Path to Winning?”

-Margaret D. Stetz
Mae and Robert Carter Professor of Women’s Studies and Professor of Humanities, University of Delaware
Mae and Robert Carter Professor of Women’s Studies and Professor of Humanities, University of Delaware
“Making Girl Victims Visible: A Survey of Representations That Have Circulated in the West “

– Peipei Qiu
Professor of Chinese and Japanese, Louise Boyd Dale and Alfred Lichtenstein Chair Professor, Vassar College
Professor of Chinese and Japanese, Louise Boyd Dale and Alfred Lichtenstein Chair Professor, Vassar College
“Documenting History: Archival Research in China on Japanese Military “Comfort Women”

– Bonnie B. C. Oh
Distinguished Professor of Korean Studies (retired), Georgetown University
Distinguished Professor of Korean Studies (retired), Georgetown University
“Legacies of Comfort Women”

– Pyong Gap Min
Distinguished Professor of Sociology/Queens College and the Graduate Center of CUNY
Distinguished Professor of Sociology/Queens College and the Graduate Center of CUNY
“A Critique of C.Sarah Soh’s Rejection of the Japanese “Comfort Women” System as Sexual Slavery”

– Na-Young Lee
Professor of Sociology /Chung-Ang University
Professor of Sociology /Chung-Ang University
“A Women’s Movement Concerning Japanese Military Sexual Slavery System: Decolonizing History, Reconstituting Subjects”

– Puja Kim
Professor of Gender Studies and East Asian History /Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Professor of Gender Studies and East Asian History /Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
“Responses of Japanese Civil Societies to the Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery (in Japan)”

– Mee-Hyang Yoon (윤미향)
Representative /The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan
Representative /The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan
“Unfinished Justice: The Restoration of Human Rights to the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery”

– Shin-Kwon Ahn (안신권)
Director /House of Sharing in Seoul, Korea
Director /House of Sharing in Seoul, Korea
“The Establishment of The Museum of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery and The House of Sharing”

– Angella Son
Associate Professor /Psychology and Religion, Drew University
Associate Professor /Psychology and Religion, Drew University
“The Japanese Secret: The Shame Behind Japan’s Longstanding Denial of Korean Comfort Women”

– Tomomi Yamaguchi
Associate Professor /Anthropology, Montana State University
Associate Professor /Anthropology, Montana State University
“The “History Wars” and the “Comfort Women” Issue: The Significance of Nippon Kaigi in the Revisionist Movement in Contemporary Japan”

– Emi Koyama
Co-founder (FeND) /Japan-U.S Feminist Network for Decolonization
Co-founder (FeND) /Japan-U.S Feminist Network for Decolonization
“Japanese Far-Right Activities in the U.S and at the United Nations:
Conflict and Coordination between Japanese Government and Fringe Groups”
Conflict and Coordination between Japanese Government and Fringe Groups”

– Dongwoo Lee Hahm
Former President /Washington Coalition for Comfort Women Issues, inc (WCCW)
“Tracing the Twenty-Five Years of Comfort Women Movement in the US”

– Jungsil Lee
President /Washington Coalition for Comfort Women Issues, inc (WCCW)
President /Washington Coalition for Comfort Women Issues, inc (WCCW)
“Tracing the Twenty-Five Years of Comfort Women Movement in the US”

– Mary McCarthy
Associate Professor /Political and International Relations, Drake University
Associate Professor /Political and International Relations, Drake University
“Empowerment Through Political Travail: The Construction of “Comfort Women” Narratives”

– Judith Mirkinson
Vice President /The National Lawyers Guild
President of the Board, “Comfort Women” Justice Coalition(CWJC)
Vice President /The National Lawyers Guild
President of the Board, “Comfort Women” Justice Coalition(CWJC)
“Fighting for the Comfort Women Isn’t Comfortable:
Building the San Francisco Memorial and Why the Issue of the Comfort Women is Still Relevant Today”
Building the San Francisco Memorial and Why the Issue of the Comfort Women is Still Relevant Today”